Need help with medical consulting to support your VA disability benefits? We may be able to help! Get started today!

Video Disclaimer⬇️

Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, LLC. (VCP) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this video. Nothing contained or provided in the video is intended to constitute advice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of a licensed healthcare provider, attorney, or agent accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to assist with the filling of disability claims. Any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk.

Always seek the advice of your qualified medical provider, attorney, or VA agent, to address individual circumstances. This video is for general information purposes only. All uses of the term “you” are for illustrative purposes regarding a hypothetical veteran. VCP disclaims any control over, relationship with, or endorsement of the ideas expressed by viewers of this content.

Video Description

➡️We get a frequently asked question, “what are you guys going to do that my veteran service officer can’t do for me?” And that’s a great question. The VA accredits veteran service officers. The accreditation process is pretty simple. They have a very basic background check. They have to study and pass an exam about the basic VA disability claim process. They have to be knowledgeable about the many services that are available to veterans in their area.

The reality is, is that filling out forms is not what veterans are struggling with to get the benefits that they deserve. It used to be that the forms had to be filled out manually, and veteran service officers could help veterans fill those forms out.

What veterans need to get the benefits that they deserve is the best medical evidence. Our experience shows that if you rely solely on your C&P examination to determine your disability level and your rating and whether or not a new VA disability claim should be service-connected.

At Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, we can review the medical evidence that exists. If you don’t have the medical evidence that you need to support an increased rating or support a secondary VA disability claim, we can help you develop that evidence.

That is the difference between professional medical consulting and veteran service officers. Veteran service officers are process experts. Medical consultants are experts on the medical evidence needed to give you the best chance to get the rating and the compensation you’ve medically and ethically qualified for.