VA Disability Rating For Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis, a degenerative disc disease affecting the spinal cord, impacts countless veterans and civilian individuals alike, often resulting in immense discomfort and can lead to further grave implications to the spinal canal. As much as it is crucial to understand this debilitating condition, an emphasis lies in comprehending its importance in the context of […]

Can I Receive VA Disability For Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a distressing condition frequently associated with activities that include repetitive hand movements, such as typing. Its occurrence is not uncommon among military veterans due to their vigorous and repeated activities tied to military duty. Its relationship with the VA disability rating system is not only critical, but intricately woven into […]

VA Rating For A Herniated Disc

A herniated disc, an increasingly common medical condition, poses a significant concern, especially among the veteran population. This condition, which is characterized by the slipping of a disc in the spine causing undue pressure on surrounding nerves, has a profound effect on the quality of life of those affected. For veterans, understanding herniated discs and […]

How To Win Your Social Security Appeal

The intricacies of Social Security disability procedures are a demanding and complicated topic, and knowing how to appeal a decision can be equally challenging. A Social Security disability appeal is a request to the Social Security Administration (SSA) to review and change its decision concerning someone’s entitlement to Social Security disability benefits. Many times, understanding […]

Bipolar Disorder and Disability Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide

Bipolar disorder can be a debilitating mental illness that dictates the day-to-day activities of people affected by it. Characterized by dramatic shifts in mood, energy, and concentration levels, those suffering are often faced with the inability to perform their daily tasks effectively, let alone maintain steady employment. For this reason, disability benefits can serve as […]