Easy VA Disability Claims: Knee Hypertension

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Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, LLC. (VCP) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this video. Nothing contained or provided in the video is intended to constitute advice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of a licensed healthcare provider, attorney, or agent accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to assist with the filling of disability claims. Any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk.

Always seek the advice of your qualified medical provider, attorney, or VA agent, to address individual circumstances. This video is for general information purposes only. All uses of the term “you” are for illustrative purposes regarding a hypothetical veteran. VCP disclaims any control over, relationship with, or endorsement of the ideas expressed by viewers of this content.

Video Description

➡️Let’s talk about a veteran that came to us for medical consulting. That Veteran injured his knee playing basketball during active duty. He saw the doctor and was given an ACE wrap and a high dose of ibuprofen pain medicine. Eventually, the Veteran got better and served the rest of their military career with occasional pain in the knee. Later down the road, this Veteran developed hypertension in the military and got put on medicine unrelated to the knee. When he got out, he was service-connected for hypertension at 0%, and that was it.

Later in life, he starts having more and more problems with his knee. He goes to the doctor and gets diagnosed with arthritis. The Veteran went in to get compensated for his disability. The VA looks in the Veteran’s records and sees there’s no record of the injury in service and, therefore, can’t get compensated.

Unfortunately, this can be common. Frequently, records aren’t complete; service records don’t always show medical evidence of any injury. That’s unfortunate, but it does happen. The Veteran came to us, and we said, “let’s develop evidence to show that the injury occurred, let’s get buddy statements, let’s get whatever evidence we can that you had the injury.” He eventually was able to get a buddy statement that the buddy remembered he had that basketball injury. The buddy also recalled that, frequently, he would limp in the mornings. The Veteran wrote a statement about his injury, and eventually, he was able to win his knee on appeal. The Veteran ended up getting the service connection for his knee that he deserved.

Frequently, we find conditions related to veterans’ service that they didn’t even know about. I hope you’ll come to our company and let us review your case and let us get you all of the disability benefits that you’re medically and ethically qualified for.

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