What’s the VA Disability Rating for Asthma?

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What’s the VA Disability rating for Asthma? Asthma is related either to your treatment (what kind of treatment did you have), or your pulmonary function test results (the breathing test that you take to measure how much air you can expel out of your lungs). So the VA understands that sometimes those breathing tests are not a reflection of the severity of your asthma.

Because if you’re not having an asthma attack at the time, or you’re not having any inflammation in your lungs at the time that they do the test your tests may be completely normal. But your symptoms may be bad at other times when you have flare-ups, and you might have to have more continuous therapy.

For occasional inhalers (rescue inhalers, bronchodilators) if you’re prescribed that, you’ll have a 10% rating. If you have to have daily inhalers, or if you take an anti-inflammatory inhaled medication like Flovent or Advair on a daily basis, you would be rated that 30%. If you have to take oral steroids at least three times a year (like prednisone) to knock down severe asthma symptoms, you would be rated at 60%.

If you’re on high-dose steroids every day, or you have to take immunosuppressive therapies or an oral medication that knocks down your immune system to prevent you from having severe asthma symptoms, you’d be at 100%.

So 10, 30, 60, and 100% are all possible ratings for asthma.

You may qualify for service connection for asthma if you develop asthma on active duty. Or some veterans who were exposed to burn pits in the Gulf War developed asthma because of that exposure. So you may be eligible for service connection for asthma if you’ve developed that condition , since you had exposure to those burn pits. For whatever reason, whatever’s in that burn pit smoke has triggered chronic asthma in some veterans. So if that happened to you, you may be eligible for service connection for asthma related to burn pit exposure.


The VA Rating Code for Asthma: What You Need to Know

The VA uses a rating system to determine the severity of disabilities, and can answer the question Is asthma a disability? The ratings look at how often and how severe your asthma attacks are, what kind of medication you’re on, and how much you can move around. This will all factor into your VA disability rating, which will determine your VA disability benefits. The VA disability rating scale is from 0% to 100%, depending on how badly your disability affects your life.

Something worth noting: even if your asthma gets rated low, you could still get what’s called a “service connection.” This means you can get more medical help and maybe even some extra benefits, along with the chance to appeal for a higher rating in the future (even a 0% rating is better than nothing).

Your first step should be to file a VA disability claim. Include your medical record, especially everything about your asthma diagnosis and asthma attacks or secondary conditions, like sleep apnea. Also include a proof of service connection, and any additional evidence, like buddy letters, to make your case stronger. After you submit your claim, the VA will look at it and decide which benefits you’re eligible for.

Show How Asthma Affects Your Daily Life

Severe asthma can make life tough, cutting into work, social stuff, and even peace of mind. One minute you’re fine, and the next, you’re gasping for air experiencing an asthma attack. This not only messes with your health but also cranks up stress and anxiety levels. All of these asthma symptoms can contribute to difficult daily life and maintaining a career—which are two huge factors considered in the VA rating system.

Sometimes, your asthma might even be tied to your time in military service—like if you were around harmful chemicals or pollution. This link makes a stronger case for VA disability compensation.

The VA offers cash help every month based on how bad your asthma is and how much it messes with your day-to-day. But that’s not all; the VA also has health benefits that can cover your prescribed treatment plan for your asthma condition. All this helps ease both your health troubles and your money worries. 

Going Beyond VA Help with SSDI

You can also think about getting Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI benefits). If you can’t work because of your severe asthma, SSDI benefits are a solid plan B. Keep an organized medical record as well as additional documents like buddy letters and previous forms from a VA claim or other social security benefits claim.

Remember, every case is different. Just because one vet gets approved doesn’t mean you automatically will too. The VA digs deep into your situation, so get help from experts if you can—especially ones who know the ins and outs of vet benefits. The key to getting the green light? Show the VA how your asthma affects you and how it’s linked to your time in the service.

Living Well with an Asthma Diagnosis: What Vets Can Do

Got asthma? It’s tough, but there are ways to fight back. Here are some strategies for vets to keep their asthma symptoms in check:

  1. Partner with Your Doc: Make a prescribed treatment plan with your healthcare provider. This could include the meds you need, lifestyle changes, and check-ups.
  1. Know Your Triggers: Certain stuff like smoke or pollen can set off your asthma. Knowing your triggers helps you avoid them and cuts down on attacks.
  1. Stay Active: Physical activity is good for you, but talk to your healthcare provider about what’s safe for your asthma condition.

Making the Most of Your Benefits

Here’s the deal: if your asthma messes with your daily life or job, you could be seen as disabled by the VA. They rate your asthma based on how bad it is and how it impacts you. This is super important if you’re looking to get some financial help.

Don’t forget, you can also apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. To get approved, you’ll need a rock-solid claim, which means medical records, buddy letters, and any other evidence that paints the full picture.

Vets with asthma should look into the VA benefits that are out there. Work with your healthcare provider to manage your asthma effectively, and you can still live a fulfilling life. For more help, contact us for free advise anytime. We’ve got your back!

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