VA Lay & Stressor Statement Examples

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Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, LLC. (VCP) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this video. Nothing contained or provided in the video is intended to constitute advice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of a licensed healthcare provider, attorney, or agent accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to assist with the filling of disability claims. Any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk.

Always seek the advice of your qualified medical provider, attorney, or VA agent, to address individual circumstances. This video is for general information purposes only. All uses of the term “you” are for illustrative purposes regarding a hypothetical veteran. VCP disclaims any control over, relationship with, or endorsement of the ideas expressed by viewers of this content.

Video Description

➡️VA lay statements are underrated and undervalued by veterans, resulting in veterans not getting the VA benefits they truly deserve.

A VA C&P examiner might have 10 minutes to do your exam and document all your symptoms. They’re only viewing your disability at a brief point in time. They don’t follow you around to see how it affects your life. They don’t see you on your worst day. So, your chance to tell your story is in a VA lay statement. Your lay statement should describe your symptoms when you experience symptoms if you have a formal diagnosis if you are taking any treatment that was prescribed to you if you are taking any over the counter medicine, how your life is affected daily, and how it causes a loss of function to you.

At Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, we know the value of a VA lay statement. We know exactly what should be documented on it to capture your level of disability and ensure that you get the benefits that you medically qualify for

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