Episode #1 – Welcome to Winning Your VA Benefits!

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This podcast will be your battle buddy, informing you about the complexities of medical evidence regarding VA disability benefits, which in turn may give you the power to advocate for yourself.

Need help with medical consulting to support your VA disability benefits? We may be able to help! Get started today!

Podcast Disclaimer⬇️

Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, LLC. (VCP) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this podcast episode. Nothing contained or provided in this podcast episode is intended to constitute advice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of a licensed healthcare provider, attorney, or agent accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to assist with the filling of disability claims. Any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk.

Always seek the advice of your qualified medical provider, attorney, or VA agent, to address individual circumstances. This podcast episode is for general information purposes only. All uses of the term “you” are for illustrative purposes regarding a hypothetical Veteran. VCP disclaims any control over, relationship with, or endorsement of the ideas expressed by viewers of this content.

Episode Description

➡️We hear from Veterans every day. Many Veterans tell us that are wrongfully denied VA disability benefits for lack of proper medical evidence and documentation. Other Veterans who reach us are frustrated and feel they are underrated for their disabilities. If you’ve served this great country as a Veteran, you may be seeking help on your journey to secure the disability benefits for you medically, legally and ethically qualify for.

If you’re seeking VA disability benefits, there are many podcasts that can help you understand the system, how it works, and what decisions you can make.

This podcast series will be your battle buddy, informing you about the complexities of developing medical evidence regarding VA disability benefits, which in turn may give you the power to advocate for yourself. We are providing general information for information purposes only.

I’m your host Robin Hoon, Acting Director of VA Disability Claim Strategy here at Vet Comp & Pen. In every episode of our podcast series, you’ll gain actionable knowledge to help identify all of the potential medical disabilities you may qualify for and how evidence-based medical consulting can support your quest.

Our organization was founded to help Veterans benefit from our years of collective experience, that combined with a healthy dose of tenacity, gets results!

We look forward to you joining us every week to learn more about the importance of developing the medical evidence critical to link your disabilities to your military service. I am sure you will find it informative and helpful.

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