Who Is the Best Veterans Service Officer for VA Claims?

People often ask, who is the best Veterans Service Officer (VSO) for VA claims? Many veterans have strong opinions on this. Some Veterans say the DAV is the best. Other Veterans say that American Legion is by far the best.

It boils down to not so much about one VSO vs. another – it’s about how much individual attention is focused on your particular case, and what kind of help they can provide.

Bear in mind that each VSO may have at least 1,000 claims at any one time. Depending on what region of the country, the number of cases they have will vary. If your claim is complex or has gone into the appeals process, you may not get the attention you need. Some VSOs in densely populated regions are so booked up you can’t get an appointment with them for three to five months. That is hugely frustrating for Veterans who need help.

The VA disability claim process can be long, and Veterans deserve timely support. Some Veterans have been fighting for disability benefits that they deserve for years because they have to appeal over and over and over again. We hope you will not let this happen to you. If you’re stuck in a gathering of evidence phase, or you’ve submitted your claim and you keep getting letters from the VA stating that they need more information, it can feel like a never-ending process.

If you’re serious about getting the VA disability benefits that you medically, legally and ethically qualify for, you need the best medical evidence to support your claim. Your VSO, no matter how helpful, may simply lack the medical training and experience needed to develop an effective medical strategy to support your claim. The raters look at medical evidence and if it’s not there, the case is can be wrongfully denied.

At Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, we are experienced at providing detailed medical evidence for your disability claim. We can consult with you about benefits for secondary disabilities that you didn’t even realize you could pursue. Medical evidence is our specialty.

Avoid the unpleasantness of going back and forth with the VA. Consult with Vet Comp & Pen and let us help you put together the appropriate medical evidence to support your claim.

If you receive that letter in the mail and you don’t feel like the rating is correct or you are denied service connection, please contact Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting. We can help you put together the evidence that you need to get the benefits you ethically, legally and medically qualify for.

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