Who We Are and How We Can Help

Need help with medical consulting to support your VA disability benefits? We may be able to help! Get started today!

Video Disclaimer⬇️

Vet Comp & Pen Medical Consulting, LLC. (VCP) does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this video. Nothing contained or provided in the video is intended to constitute advice or to serve as a substitute for the advice of a licensed healthcare provider, attorney, or agent accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to assist with the filling of disability claims. Any reliance you place on this information is strictly at your own risk.

Always seek the advice of your qualified medical provider, attorney, or VA agent, to address individual circumstances. This video is for general information purposes only. All uses of the term “you” are for illustrative purposes regarding a hypothetical veteran. VCP disclaims any control over, relationship with, or endorsement of the ideas expressed by viewers of this content.

Video Description

➡️ It can be difficult to navigate the VA and receive the disabilities you medically and ethically qualify for. Get to know who we are and how we can help you with your VA claims.

In 2015, one of our founders, Gina Uribe, worked as a nurse practitioner at the local VA medical center. She was treating veterans for chronic medical conditions and performing compensation and pension exams to evaluate veterans for disability benefits.

Gina helped her grandfather, Colonel Bob who was wrongfully denied benefits, get to a hundred percent VA disability. She quickly realized many of her patients were also getting wrongfully denied at the VA medical center. She saw that they had chronic conditions that were caused by their military service, and they were still being denied. So she started consulting with them and helping them understand what vital piece of evidence was missing in their case and why they were being denied.

Every year, Vet Comp & Pen helps thousands of more veterans than the year before. There is no doubt in our minds that Gina Uribe and Jim Hill collectively are responsible for assisting more veterans with disabilities than any two people in the world. And they should be extremely proud of that. And I’m proud to be a part of a company that does this for veterans.

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